Thursday, May 10, 2012

Manuscript Deadline vs. Princess Playdate

This is exactly what's in my mind. My advanced memoir workshop deadline is today. I've been thinking, writing, rewriting, editing for two months since last time I submitted my piece to the memoir group. I'm currently participating Advanced Memoir Workshop at StoryStudio Chicago. There are ten memoir writers in our group under the guidance of Annette Gendler.

In 2011, I was still unsure if I'm qualified to write my story in English. Lack of confidence dragged my feet so long, I needed some changes in me. In cold February weather, I stepped in my first Memoir Workshop. Since then I continued taking in part of the class, now I am under production of a lengthy project that soon I'd love to submit few literary magazine. Still I'm not sure if my time and efforts of writing my story is worth it. I hope to believe so. One day, in the future, I might be proud myself looking back these years.

My reading projects;
The Glass Castle, book discussion for next Thursday. The Catcher in the Rye, 1/3 of the book remained to finish.

  Meanwhile, I have a larger-than-life, 4-year-old girl. She makes my life very busy, interesting, and fun. Just like any other 4-year-old girl, she loves make-believe. She likes to live in an imaginary world, and creates all strange characters in her story. Princess make-believe is one of the favorite thing for her, along with princess dress up.
My daughter's very first makeup. She was SO happy!
Although I have tons of plans, projects, dishes and laundry, when my daughter wants to go to Princess playdate I join with her. I know she will be so happy, and I want to witness what she likes and what doesn't. I might sound like a paparazzi, but I really love to take pictures of her having fun. After all, she made me who I am now, and she makes me grow every day.
Princess loyal photo shoot


  1. Sun Hee, I was a little worried yesterday since your manuscript didn't come through until a few minutes to midnight, but you made it, and so you did make the right choice!
