Sunday, May 6, 2012


Disturbed mind,
I long for serenity.

A sense of inner peace,
Even in difficult situations.
Accept the things we cannot change,
Focus our energy where we can make a difference.

Fear, anger or desire creates
A sense of urgency,
Triggers us to react impulsively,
-Undermining our goals, damaging relationships, violating our deepest values.

Cultivate serenity, we don’t fear our emotions, but we do keep them in balance.
We govern ourselves rather than being ruled by external circumstances and our feelings about them.

Meditative practices, contemplation, physical exercise and self-regulation skills
Maintain a serene, peaceful state of mind.
This mental state frees us to live thoughtfully and intentionally.
Hold onto our own sense of serenity, we help others to keep theirs.

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정창모-산촌 정서

老子 "비우
면 고요해지고,고요하면 밝아지고, 밝아지면 통한다虛卽靜 靜卽明 明卽通"라고 하였고,나라
순자荀子'허일이정(虛壹而靜, 마음을 비우고 한가지에 집중하면 고요해진다)을 이야기했으며 中國 法家
의 한비자韓非子는 허정무위
(虛靜無爲)세계를 말하고 있습니다.

 *   *   * 


  1. "We govern ourselves rather than being ruled by external circumstances and our feelings about them." That is so true and yet so hard to learn. Every day I am confronted with someone else's feelings and I react to them, sometimes negatively.
    I also liked your last line that by living well in ourselves we can help others do the same.

    1. Thank you. I agree that it's not easy to practice what we have learned. Being conscious is one thing, being consistent is another.

  2. Sun,
    What a lovely blog, both the content and in terms of visuals. I look forward to reading more of you during Blogathon and beyond!

  3. Lisa Carter - Thank you. Your comment means a lot to me. :)
