Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mom's diary - 12.11. 2010

Do you know, my daughter?
Your mom is still dreaming for her future. 
Some might say I'm a daydreamer. Some might say I'm too late to dream.
I might dream for something it's not gonna happen.

But I'll tell you what. 
I'll never stop trying, I'll try and try again and again stupidly. 
That's me. That's your mom. 
Your mom don't know how to give up. 
I want you to know that I am a stubborn like a bull. 

I might look as a small, delicate figure. I might look easy to break. 
If anybody who thought this way of me, they are very wrong. 

I have an inextinguishable fire in my heart.  I call it passion. 
If I don't have it, then I'm dead even I breathe. 
My fire is a motor to keep me alive.

I want to be alive when I'm awake.
I want to dream when I'm awake.
I want to prove that I can do it as I did once in the past. 
If there's no motivation in my life, I'm dead even I'm awake.  

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